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Series Name: White BlueNumber of Episode(s): 4

Synopsis: She has had feelings for Keita for longer than she can remember, and suddenly she finds that he is admitted to the hospital she works at…

Is she going to be able to keep control of herself? Or will lust overtake her…
Alternate Names: ホワイト ブルー
Aired: Nov 27, 2020 to Aug 27, 2021
Producers: PoRO 
Source: Visual novel


  1. Dustin Barlow

    No all the naive men who think this is a “tragic tale,” let me shed some light with a better “plot summary.””

    Once Upon a Time in a Hospital, the nursing staff are getting run through by the Chad Doctor. Even the nurses in stable relationships would have had the most intense and graphic sex, then go home to their boyfriend/husband and pretend they gave a damn about them. For the nurses, where women hated ideas like “being honorable” or “being faithful,” they much preferred the here and now, so they had zero issues with smashing in the bathroom stall throughout the day.

    One day Nurse Hibari, the biggest whore of all, found her high school friend Keita, whom she liked in the past, as one of her patients. He was having visions of her being a whore and misunderstood them as her being raped. Even as Keita was trying to build the courage to ask Hibari out, Hibari refused to stop being a whore. So, planning with the doctor, he recorded the encounter. She showcased some of the greatest acting in the universe with her “attempt to fight the rapist off” with amazing lines such as “You better stop this!” as well as “You are in big trouble!” All while dropping all that heat, she let out the most pro whore moans, ever to be heard. Clearly, when a woman is being raped, she is moaning, because a part of her really wants it righ?…..

    Don’t let whores take advantage of you, gentlemen. If you find yourself in Keita’s position, and a girl you like is smashing with another guy, sulking and crying is probably not the best path to take. Putting him in a chokehold, dragging him by the throat into the broom closet, and ramming a wooden mop handle up his ass—that will get you far more respect. Even the whores would respect that.

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